Halász Attila Mihály (Ata)
Leader of the Network management group
Tasks: System Administrator, leads the development team. Configures and controls network services and servers. Operates Cisco and other networking equipments, configures firewalls. NIIF HBONE and regional representative. Education.
Areas: Cisco, Linux and Windows networking technologies, security, voip, wifi management. Talent Research / care.
Personal: 1975, Aquarius, technics-computer science teacher, Certified Ethical Hacker. Hobbies: yoga, hiking, swimming, archery, English language. A book is good, especially if it is written by Kurt Vonneguth. A good music: The Doors. A good film : Fight Club.
Email: halasz.attila(at)nye.hu
Tel: (36) 42-599-400/2828