Csapat (teszt)

Pappné Aukszi Mária 2275 Molnár Zsuzsanna 2882  
Network Management Group
Halász Attila Mihály 2828 Dr. Szabó István 2258 Köbli Róbert 2727
Szabó József Mihály 2626   Molnár László 2520
System-Management and Educational Support Group
Andrikó Imre  2527 Kerekes Péter 2705  
User Support
Kovács Lajos 2013 Pálóczi Tibor 2123 Bartha Mihály 2704
    Nádasdi András  2367
Pál Mihály  2489 AV technician  2480  



Molnár Zsuzsanna (Zsanna)

Tasks: Webmaster of the webpage of the College of Nyíregyháza. Updates and handles the site. Installs new subsites, sets up permission system. Teaches the use of subsites. Creates webdesigns.

Personal: 1986, Pisces. I like singing, taking photos, making designs and webpages, playing RPGs. When it comes to music, I like a lot of songs  from bebop to Japanese progressive rock, through epic movie soundtracks.

Email: molnar.zsuzsanna(at)nye.hu , http://montasy.hu

Lync SIP: molnar.zsuzsanna(at)nyfbox.hu

Tel: (36) 42-599-400/2882

Pappné Aukszi Mária (Marica)

Tasks: financial, economic, administrative tasks.

Email: aukszi.maria(at)nye.hu

Lync SIP: aukszimarica(at)nyfbox.hu

Tel: (36) 42-599-400/2275




Halász Attila Mihály (Ata) – Leader of the Network management group.

Tasks: System Administrator, leads the development of the team. Configures and controls network services and servers.  Operates Cisco and other networking equipment, configures firewalls. NIIF HBONE and regional representative. Education.

Area: cisco, Linux and Windows networking technologies, security, voip, wifi management. Talent Research / care.

Personal: 1975, Aquarius, technics-computer science teacher, Certified Ethical Hacker. Hobbies: yoga, hiking, swimming, archery, English language. A book is good, especially if it is written by Kurt Vonneguth. A good piece of music: The Doors. A good film : Fight Club.

ITS building / Network management group

Email: halasz.attila(at)nye.hu

Tel: (36) 42-599-400/2828

Dr. Szabó István (Pisti)

Tasks: System administrator, ITS deputy leader. Mail, Operates and monitors online network services. Handles security updates and backups, sets up LDAP and DHCP services.

Personal: 1974, Gemini. Hobbies: music, reading, hiking, archery, karaoke:).

Email: szabo.istvan(at)nye.hu

Tel: (36) 42-599-400/2258, 2002

Köbli Róbert (Robi)

Tasks: Windows Active Directory  and related managements. Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS). Controls Windows-based servers and the shared central storage. Database Designer and Programmer. IP phone account management and administration of telephone codes.

Personal: 1977, Aquarius. Hobbies: composing, practicing on various instruments. My room looks like a studio. Favorites: Asimov and Shelley Duncan (writer), Robbie Williams and the like (music), thought-provoking films like Matrix. I am science fiction and action series addict. Community activities are important for me, so I like to participate actively in  organizing  these events.

Email: kobli.robert(at)nyfbox.hu, kobli.robert(at)nye.hu

Lync SIP: kobli.robert(at)nyfbox.hu

Tel: (36) 42-599-400/2727

Molnár László

Tasks:   IT Support Specialist

Email: molnar.laszlo(at)nye.hu

Tel: (36) 42-599-400/2520


Szabó József Mihály

Tasks: IT Operator


Email: szabo.jozsef(at)nye.hu

Tel: (36) 42-599-400/2626



Andrikó Imre (Pocak)

Tasks: System development and programming. Using Oracle and MySQL database. Pascal, C, Java, PHP, HTML, SQL, PL / SQL language. I have an International Oracle PL / SQL Programming Certificate, (OCA).

Personal: 1979, Aries. Favorite movies: Braveheart and The Rock. I have a lot of  favorite music, but I'm not addicted to one specific style. I  danced in the Szabolcs Folk Dance Group  (Nyíregyháza) for 10 years. I really like my belly, I’m always in if it comes to a good meal.

Email: andriko.imre(at)nye.hu

Tel: (36) 42-599-400/2527

Kerekes Péter

Tasks: Manager of the electronic materials and online trainer at the College of Nyíregyháza. Manager and server administrator of the E-portfolio system. Technical support of students and teachers in teaching and e-learning,

Website Operation: Testing and developing modules, programming.

Personal: 1982, Virgo. Mathematics-Computer science teacher. Trance and Techno music style stands close to me. Horse is my favourite animal.  I have ridden for several years as well. I have two guinea pigs (Tunyacsáp and Mazsola). Favorite Book is the Roots.

Email: kerekes.peter(at)nye.hu

Tel: (36) 42-599-400/2705



Kovács Lajos

Tasks: Leader of the user support group. Administrator tasks of the Central Library. Management of ALEPH and METALIB servers. Tasks related to the webpage of the Central Library.

Personal: 1958, Aquarius. Mathematics - Physics - Computer Science high school teacher. I regularly cycle (road races at the ViniBike Association), running and swimming. Favorite music: Pink Floyd, Jethro Tull, Blackmore's Night. Favorite books: Wass Albert: Adjátok vissza a hegyeimet!, A Funtineli boszorkány, Elvásik a veres csillag, Tizenhárom almafa, Kard és kasza.

Favorite Movie: Forest Gump (Run Forest run!).

Email: kovacs.lajos(at)nye.hu

Tel: (36) 42-599-400/2013

Pálóczi Tibor

Tasks: Technical Service Provider.

Email: paloczi.tibor(at)nye.hu

Tel: (36) 42-599-400/2123, 6123

Bartha Mihály

Tasks: Solving IT problems of the users.

Email: bartha.mihaly(at)nye.hu

Tel: (36) 42-599-400/2407



Nádasdi András

Tasks: IT worker.

Email: nadasdi.andras(at)nye.hu

Tel: (36) 42-599-400/2367



Pál Mihály (Misi)

Tasks: Leader technician.

Personal: I was born in 1983. In my free time, I faithfully do archery, fishing. No matter what, I  just need silence! I make recordings for bands in my studio.

Email: pal.mihaly(at)nye.hu

Tel: (36) 42-599-400/2489

AV technician

Feladatok: AV-technician.

Tel: (36) 42-599-400/2480